E3 2010 Part 1

DC Universe Online: As a comic book fan I was excited when I first heard that an online MMORPG based on the DC Universe was going to be made. But when I actually got my hands on the game (The PS3 version) I was a bit disappointed. The controls were easy to understand, one button was for melee attacks and another for long-range attacks.

Sony gave out these nifty little Batsignal lights.

The biggest issue I had with the game was the camera. It was all over the place—at times I couldn’t even see where my character was going. Sony Online Entertainment still needs to work out a few of the kinks before the game's November release date.

Epic Mickey: The idea of a dark, gritty version of Mickey Mouse had my wary of the game at first but as I played the demo it was a lot of fun. While the controls don’t fully take advantage of the Nintendo Wii’s capabilities, there’s still some Wiimote waggling involved. However, there are still some things that I didn’t enjoy about the game.

It’s monotonous, there’s really no variety in gameplay and at times I find myself repeating actions over and over again. My biggest gripe with the game is its graphics—it looks like the game was made for the PlayStation 2 or Nintendo GameCube. Hopefully what I played isn’t the final product. But that seems less and less likely since Epic Mickey is scheduled to release this Holiday season.

Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light: I didn’t really pay attention to this game while I played it. What little I experienced was boring and devoid of any action. Although it might be my general dislike for role playing games, especially Japanese RPGs. What I was focused more on was the Nintendo DSi XL the game was running on.

The creation of the DSi XL seems pretty pointless to me. Sure, people with poor vision would be able to seem what they’re playing with the XL’s two huge screens—but the overall quality of the game’s graphics is degraded because of that. Also, as the name implies, the XL is huge. While it’s barely smaller than the original DS, the XL is still pretty big. It started to become uncomfortable to hold after 3 minutes of gameplay. It’s just not made for people with regular sized hands.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1: I didn’t actually play the game, my friend who went to E3 with me did. From what I saw it’d be pretty boring to anyways. The game is a mix between third and first person shooters. The main gist is that you run around the game and cast spells and nothing else. The game is scheduled to come out this November.

 I don't think I can play a whole game of this.

Killzone 3: Not due to come out until February 2011, Killzone 3 is one of the first games to use 3D technology. I got to play both the 3D and regular, 2D version at E3 and there’s really not much of a difference. The 3D doesn’t add anything to the gameplay experience, if anything, I felt a bit disoriented playing the game in 3D. Save yourself thousands of dollars and just stick to the 2D version instead of buying a 3D enabled TV.

The game itself isn’t anything special—to me at least. I never played the first two games (geez, what is with me and not playing the original games to these sequels? Maybe I should stop buying Nintendo consoles) but Killzone 3 seems to be a straightforward first-person shooter. Although, one thing that pops out is the use of jetpacks. That was pretty cool. The game is scheduled to come out February 2011.

Kirby's Epic Yarn: Finally, Kirby’s back on the console scene with a new game. This isn’t the standard Kirby game though, think Paper Mario but with yarn. I played a co-op level with my friend and it was a pretty great experience. The controls are simple and it doesn’t take long to learn. My only gripe when playing was that Kirby no longer sucks up his enemies and absorb their powers but I eventually got over it. The game is scheduled to come out this fall.

Didn't get a picture of the game, instead here's a patch
Nintendo gave it to people who played the demo.

Lego Harry Potter: I’ve played previous iterations from the Lego franchise (basically all of them) and this one initially interested. I greatly enjoyed Lego Batman and Lego Star Wars but unfortunately, like Lego Indiana Jones, this bored the hell out of me. Maybe it was the level I played on, but it was a lot like the Deathly Hollows game where you just run around casting spells. Although there is a difference here, you can also transform into a small animal. Other than that, I quickly lost interest in the game. The game is out now for your purchasing pleasure.

The Beginning

Part 2

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